Hi, I’m Adriaan, 
Founder of the Food Sensitivity Testing Group & ComfortablyWell

Ten years ago, I suffered from a bloated feeling and abdominal distension after eating. Sometimes I also had diarrhea and then constipation, I went crazy sometimes. I felt old and tired, and that’s how I looked as well. I was overweight, no energy, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol.

I took pills for everything that I suffered from, and I had to deal with unpleasant side effects. It didn’t make me feel any better, on the contrary: I felt worse and worse. At one point I was taking pills for the side effects of the pills that I was already taking.

When I went to England for business, I came into contact with a friend of my business partner. He told me about a Laboratory that had been working with a completely new technique for years, to determine food intolerance.


75 years young
— Fitness Expert & Senior Nutritionist
—Founder of The Food Intolerance Testing Group

The test based on biotechnology is carried out by means of hair and saliva samples or a combination thereof. That’s how they ensure the highest accuracy. Hair samples are regularly used as a drug test, at crime scenes, in hormone testing and in nutrition and mineral analyses.

When I had a bloated feeling again after dinner, I thought, let’s do that test. What do I have to lose? I just had to send in my samples and opted for an urgent result, because then I would receive the result by email in only 48 hours and it turned that i am intolerant for three foods, two vitamins were short and was allergic to a plant in my living room. With the results of the test and their advice I have been able to take the right steps. After a few weeks I felt a lot better.

Now I have not been taking any pills for years and I no longer suffer from a bloated feeling, diarrhea or constipation. My blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect and there is no danger of diabetes anymore. I feel fit, and my energy level is good again.

Because of my own struggle and search, I came into contact with the aforementioned test centre and I now work with them. They are the undisputed world market leader in the field of combined hair and saliva tests.

My mission is to make as many people as possible familiar with this simple test. And I am quite proud that I can offer you a good test for a low price. This test is an excellent start to gain insight into your current situation. I have been in the same place as you, felt the same frustration and powerlessness. I want to help you so that you will feel better than ever before, that you are overflowing with energy and want to do fun things again. And so that you can go eat out again with friends and/or family without having to worry, feeling free to eat whatever you want on birthdays or other parties.

Ultimately, it is about you and the problems you experience with symptoms caused by food intolerances. You want a solution for that problem and preferably as quickly as possible.

Why Customers Choose Me?

I care about clients who choose to work with me directly, and I address their needs and expectations by offering them different testing options, affordability, and good old-fashioned customer service. Here are a few specific examples of the things I do to satisfy my customers.

  • Great Value
    We have the most complete test on the market because we test on hair and saliva! Plus you benefit from our bonus guidance and free E-books.

  • Friendly and Caring
    Every member of my team takes pride in their work, and we also pride ourselves on being there to help you with questions.

  • We Really Know Our Stuff
    Food Sensitivity aren’t the kind of thing that you want to guess about. We have remained very focused on being at the forefront of sensitivity testing science.

  • No Games
    Because we are a lab, we are not involved in the bureaucracy and politics that often sideline patient care in the medical industry. The health of those we serve and the quality of our work always comes first.

  • What Else?
    Here are some other words that our customers often use to describe us: helpful, thorough, reasonably priced, and … “the best!”

I am fully aware that the food we choose to eat will affect our physical and mental health, our athletic performance and how we age.

Adriaan, 75 years young — Fitness Expert & Senior Nutritionist
— Founder of The Food Sensitivity Testing Group

eating with peace of mind

November 23, 2022

I didn’t know what was causing my stomach pains and skin flare-ups until I tried this food intolerance test. It turns out that I have a pretty serious soy allergy, which is why I feel so terrible after eating anything with soy in it. Doing this test helped me understand my body much better and allowed me to start eating with peace of mind again!

Erin Family


November 5, 2022

I’ve been dealing with stomach issues and eczema for years. I’ve tried all kinds of remedies, but none worked. So when I saw The food intolerance test I thought it was worth the shot and OMG it’s the best thing that ever happened to me! It not just fixed my stomach issues, but also helped my skin condition significantly. And the customer service is top notch!

Austin Kin.

Helped my skin condition

September 1, 2022

I was so sick of being in pain all the time, I couldn’t eat anything without feeling like my stomach was about to blow up. Not only did Comfortablywell help me find out what foods I’m or am not intolerant to and why, but also helped with my skin condition. I’m so grateful for having found this food intolerance test.


Extremely pleased

June 2, 2022

I have been extremely pleased with my results and the changes I have been able to make in my life and would like my daughter to be able to have the best possible chance for her positive results/changes she can make.

T. M

Better than the competition

February 15, 2022

If you google for food intolerance testing you will come across many disgruntled people. I was one of them… Until I found out comfortablywell. Not only are the prices much better but they also test through two samples. So you get two for the price of one. No it is not in a nice box, no it does not have a nice interface. But yeah! You get very good nutritional advice. So to all complainers… Try comfortablywell. Simply Great!



December 9, 2021

The test was very easy to do. Very professional. The result was very clear and ridiculously detailed. You will get an email with the result within 7 days. To those who complain that they did not receive their results: simply email them or check your spam folder. This company made me healthy again.

Brad and Dolly
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Get the most accurate food sensitivity test that fits your family needs.
With your results, you receive expert guides and food plans to feel healthy again.


The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for one person.

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  • 1 x Finger Prick Test on 450 items
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  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for one person.

  • 1 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 1 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for two persons.

  • 2 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 2 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for four persons.

  • 4 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 4 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
all our food sensitivity tests include
Qualified Nutritionist Support — Accurate Report of 65 pages — 100% Money-Back Guarantee

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