Mood Swings? Could it be a food Intolerance?

You are what you eat

There is a direct correlation between your mood and food

The FOODS we eat have a direct influence on everything else our body response: Such as fatigue, sleepiness, stomach issues, bloating.

Our customers found out that having a good understanding of how your body reacts to certain foods, the better your mood is. After all, you are what you eat.

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To help you with mood swings and your general health, WE SIMULTANEOUSLY Test YOUR Blood AND SALIVA SAMPLES TO GET THE MOST ACCURATE RESULTS ON


Symptoms include:

  • Erratic changes in mood, personality or behavior
  • Anxiety, irritability or agitation
  • Confusion or forgetfulness
  • Difficulty with concentration or attention

How a Food Intolerance Test Can Help

Eliminating and replacing problem foods from your diet may help fight against severe mood swings. The quickest way to identify your food intolerances is by taking our Food Sensitivity Test that measures 1000 + items.

Food Intolerance, Diet, and Mood Swings

Food choices that you make every day influence your brain’s ability to grow and heal… The foundation of good mental health is good, wholesome food.

The Side Effects of Food Intolerances

When you are intolerant to a food you eat, this will cause improper digestion and inflammation. Which triggers negative symptoms such as mood swings.

It's all about the Connection with Your Gut

Evidence proves that what we eat affects the way we feel with known symptoms such as bloating, stomach and skin issues, (h)angry and mood swings.

You Are In Control of Your Mood and Food

We shoot for accuracy, not for average. You may have heard about cheap single hair tests. These can cause false positives. That is why we perform our tests on two samples to improve quality and accuracy. We believe your health is the most valuable asset in your life.

Combined Testing

Hair tests can cause false positives. That is why we perform a combined and simultaneous test method.

Saliva Samples

Saliva is scientifically proven to tell the story of toxins. Food colors, additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers.

Blood Samples

Blood helps essentially with the oxygen and nutrients in our cells and helps our metabolism to work properly.

Top Rated Products
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+25,000 Healthy Customers


Get the most accurate food sensitivity test that fits your family needs.
With your results, you receive expert guides and food plans to feel healthy again.


The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for one person.

  • 1 x Saliva Test on 450 items
  • 1 x Finger Prick Test on 450 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for one person.

  • 1 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 1 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for two persons.

  • 2 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 2 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The most complete food intolerance and food sensitivity saliva and finger prick test available for four persons.

  • 4 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • 4 x Finger Prick Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • FREE! App for healthy food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
all our food sensitivity tests include
Qualified Nutritionist Support — Accurate Report of 65 pages — 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Please note: postal charges & terms and conditions apply.

Highly Acclaimed documentation Included For Free

Boost Your Metabolism
Cut Out Weight System
Down With Cholesterol
Beat Your Nut Allergy
The Allergy Relief Source Book

High Quality Home To Lab Test

Our Home Test Kit Include:

  • Everything to collect your Saliva and Blood samples
  • Personal report of 65 pages on the foods-and non-foods to avoid
  • Safe Payments through our Secured Server
  • Actionable 23 days follow-up guidance plan to feel healthy again
  • BONUS: Immune System Booster — Health Pack
  • EXTRA BONUS: App to make better food choices
  • NEW: Personalized test based around your symptoms

We offer a brand-new way to analyze your samples  with our test customizer

Once we completed your order, you receive a form where you can specify your symptoms. This way, we can personalize your test to help you in the most effective way possible.

What you receive

A personal report to help you feel healthy again

In-depth personal report of 65 pages with everything you need to help you eliminate your symptoms

We identify the problem foods that can cause sensitivities and intolerances and that can make you feel sick and tired. We help you to solve your issues and get healthy again with practical and hands-on information.

Extra: Actionable 23 days follow-up guidance plan and bonus health pack to kick-start your healthy journey.

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We feel great again

April 30, 2020

My hubby was feeling under the weather as of late and I thought to buy this test. Who would have know it would have such a good impact on our lives. I recommend this blood and hair food intolerance test to anyone. Thank you so much.

Devon & Eric Mayfield

Great Details

March 12, 2020

We are so happy to have found this combined blood and hair intolerance test: this is truly unique.


Amazing how much we have learned

February 2, 2020

Honestly, this test is getting better and better as we learn more about it. we do test our family on a regular base to see if we actually get better (we feel better but we also like to see the numbers), and we are getting healthier. We would also like to say thank you to all your staff. This is simply unbelievable!

Emma & Marc

This test saved my life

January 8, 2020

Who would have thought that strawberries caused my belly to ache? Glad I took this intolerance test. I now eat strawberries in moderation and feel much more healthy, especially after the last inflammation when I was rushed to the hospital. Oddly enough no doctors warned me for strawberries. This sensitivity hair and blood test did! Thank you.


The brutal truth indeed

December 15, 2019

If you aren’t sure about your sensitivity or intolerance, always go for this blood and hair Intolerance Test. These results give you the brutal truth indeed as it shows you what foods or other items to avoid. I never knew that skipping on lentils and tomatoes would make me feel so much healthier. Very easy to use and clear results

Williams Family
Read All Reviews

Why choose ComfortablyWell?

Most Accurate Results because of combined and simultaneous testing

  • Personal advice by our In-depth personal report (65 pages) on the foods and non-foods to avoid, relieving you from sensitivities and intolerances.
  • Extra Top-tier documentation with practical and actionable information to strengthen your health.
  • We are there for you. If you have any questions about your personal report we are happy to help.
  • Complete results by testing on 1000+ items

Get your easy-to-follow report through email that exposes any allergens or toxic substances. You also get nutritional expertise to get you back on track. Effectively reduce or even eliminate your symptoms with personal guidance and get expert assistance to help you achieve your individual results.

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Unique testing method

Simultaneous and combined testing method on 1000+ items

In-depth personal report of 65 pages with everything you need to help you eliminate your symptoms

Our unique testing method combines lab analysis on both your samples to find any intolerances and sensitivities. Through our combined testing on 1000+ item, we give you highly accurate test results. We give you the best of both worlds.

NEW: Customize Your Test — We now offer you the most complete and accurate test based on your symptoms and personal situation.

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“Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment IN YOURself”

Combined home-to-lab testing is a unique testing method that gives you the most complete and accurate results on the foods that cause your symptoms.

Get the best of both worlds with combined testing. We now offer you the most comprehensive food intolerance and sensitivity test where your samples are tested against common substances, along with a whopping 1000+ items.

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The Science We Use

We test your samples on the most advanced certified Testing Equipment

Testing is carried out with cutting-edge technology, using one of the most advanced certified breakthrough technologies to enhance biospecimen sample quality by transforming the collection, storage and shipment process for everyone, everywhere.

Your samples are placed into the equipment – each item is tested line by line against the recorded resonances of all 1000+ items.

Our laboratory assistants set the equipment to record any items showing a difference in frequency of 60% or above.

The Equipment

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